Hart Center for Engineering Leadership

Leadership for All: Transforming Leading Engineering Students into Engineering Leaders

Preparing Tomorrow's Engineering Leaders

Female student stands in front of Hart sign我们的影响

在哈特中心, we pair an elite technical education with exceptional leadership and professional development skills to produce world-changing engineer leaders. We help students take advantage of D所有as-Fort Worth’s thriving advanced technology environment and provide them with the foundation needed to build leadership skills and lead high-performance technical teams.

With expert guidance from the Hart Center team, 莱尔 students are engineered to lead with Emotional Intelligence and empowered to succeed.


Dr. 本Zoghi

"We are each the common denominator in the success or failure of everything we do. The fastest, surest way to improve our outcomes is to improve ourselves. SMU 莱尔工程学院 will utilize the latest research in 情商 (EQ), 神经科学, and 正念 to bring awareness to 所有 engineering students so they can develop and expand their leadership capacities for optimal success.”

- Dr. 本Zoghi, Executive Director of Hart Center for Engineering Leadership


Hart Engineering Leadership Certificate Program certificate wrapped in red ribbon

Hart Engineering Leadership Certificate Program

A year-long program for undergraduates, combining leadership education with practical experience, complete with an Emotional Intelligence (EQ) assessment, 实践项目, 和指导.


Hart Leadership Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessment Resumania 3

Hart Leadership Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessment

评估之后, students gain an early introduction to leadership concepts, measuring fifteen competencies. Participants receive debrief sessions for feedback 和指导.

Hart Engineering Leadership @ the Top Lecture Series 麦克风照片

Hart Engineering Leadership @ the Top Lecture Series

A lecture series featuring industry, 军事, 学者, and thought leaders sharing insights on senior-level leadership, where students participate in live Q&As and network with guests. 


Hart Center Announcement - From left to right are R. Gerald Turner, SMU President; Bobby B. 莱尔, SMU trustee and engineering school namesake; Karen Shuford, philanthropist and 莱尔 School Executive Board member; Mitch Hart, 哈特集团主席, 公司.; Linda Hart, chairman of Imation Corp.; Art De Geus, chairman and CEO of Silicon V所有ey company Synopsis and Geoffrey Orsak, dean of the SMU's 莱尔工程学院

The Hart Center is made possible by the generous support of Linda and Mitch Hart, who are longtime champions of advancing education, leadership and entrepreneurship at SMU. 了解更多关于 .



Students who hold leadership positions in engineering and diversity organizations at 莱尔 are members of our Student Engineering Joint Council. We provide these student leaders intensive development that includes classes, connecting with industry pacesetters, 网络招待会, 和更多的.

People sitting in a class photographed from behind.


The Hart Center for Engineering Leadership transforms leading engineering students into next-generation technical leaders with the values, 的态度, and skills necessary to understand and address engineering problems.

Our approach is cohort-based and highly interactive, blending engineering scenario practice, 情商, 神经科学, 正念, and personal reflection and values development.

Professional Continuing Education Workshops

Men and women sitting in classThe Hart Center for Engineering Leadership regularly hosts workshops for industry partners on multiple topics. Organizations of any size may engage with us in order to build a custom learning experience to suit your specific needs - and we will bring the program to you, 在您的所在地. Here are some topics in which we specialize.

  • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
  • Developing, Leading, and Sustaining High-Performance Technical Teams
  • 技术课程



Blue and pink image of smart watch
  • Conducting advanced research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) utilization and wearable technologies in developing effective technical leaders
  • AI-powered strategies for mitigating burnout and attrition in high-performance workplaces
  • AI-powered strategies for mitigating burnout and attrition in high-performance workplaces on remote workers using wearable technology
  • Developing, leading, and sustaining high -performing technical teams