
审查信贷 policies are reviewed annually 和 are subject to change for the following academic year. 


SMU grants credit 和 placement for scores of 4 or 5 on most Advanced Placement 高中考试(见下表). 只有在高中期间参加的考试才能获得学分. AP test scores are evaluated 和 SMU course credit is assigned based on the articulation policies in effect for the term students matriculate to the University, 不管测试是什么时候进行的.

学生可能不会获得AP考试的学分, an International 学士学位 exam 和 a college course covering the same subject matter; i.e.,等同课程只会颁发一次. Students may decline all or part of their test credit in favor of taking the equivalent credit at SMU; declining credit is an irrevocable declaration. 审查信贷 新加坡管理大学授予的学分被视为居民学分. 

An official copy of test results must be sent from the testing agency to the University 注册商’s Office for credit. 为了方便咨询和招生,学生 should submit their official scores no later than the first day of class.





美国历史上 4, 5 6个小时 历史2311,2312
艺术 4, 5 3个小时 asdr1300, ASPH 1300,或
ASPT 1300(学生自选)
艺术历史 4, 5 6个小时 1303年,1304年
生物学 4, 5 8小时 临床生物1301/1101,1302/1102
化学 4, 5 4个小时 化学1303/1113
计算机科学A 4, 5 3个小时 CSE 1341
    宏 4, 5 3个小时 1312年生态
    微 4, 5 3个小时 Eco 1311 / prex 4002
英语液化天然气/ C or 点燃/ C 4, 5 6个小时 1311盘,1312盘
环境科学 4, 5 3个小时 1315年地质
欧洲历史上 4, 5 6个小时 历史2365,2366
    美国 4, 5 3个小时 PLSC 1320
    比较 4, 5 3个小时 PLSC 1340
人文地理 4, 5 3个小时 哼10 xx
    中国语言 & 文化 4, 5 8小时 中国1401,1402
    法国 4, 5 8小时 1401 1402
    德国 4, 5 8小时 胚芽1401,1402
4, 5 8小时 Ital 1401, 1402
    日语 & 文化 4, 5 8小时 日本1401和1402年
    拉丁 4, 5 8小时 拉丁语1401,1402
    西班牙语 4, 5 8小时 跨度1401 1402
    微积分AB 4, 5 3个小时 数学1337
    微积分公元前 3如果AB
3个小时 数学1337
    微积分公元前 4, 5 6个小时 数学1337和1338
音乐理论 4, 5 6个小时 10 xx股份有限
    物理1 4, 5 3个小时 SCI 10 xx
    物理2 4, 5 3个小时 SCI 10 yy
4, 5
    物理C (E)&M)
4, 5
心理学 4, 5 3个小时 1300年心理学
统计数据 4, 5 3个小时 统计2331
世界历史 4, 5 3个小时 哼10 yy


● AP credit in the sciences may be used to satisfy the Science 和 Engineering breadth requirement of the 大学课程. 的 UC’s Natural 和 Applied Science depth requirement must be satisfied through coursework at SMU or through transfer credit of a science course with lab from an accredited college or university.


●SMU学位不允许有重复学分. 选修与大学先修课程相同课程的学生, International 学士学位 or other test credit awards will lose these credits after the fifth day of the term. 信用一经撤销,不得再授予. Students must report any credit by exam no later than the end of their first term of enrollment.



SMU gives credit for CLEP subject examinations based on the specified minimum 成绩如下:

CLEP考试 得分(80分) 学分授予 当然认为
美国文学 60 3个小时 英格兰20 xx
英国文学 60 3个小时 英格兰20 yy
宏观经济学 60 3个小时 1312年生态
微观经济学 60 3个小时 Eco 1311 / prex 4002


SMU also awards credit for departmental examinations offered in a variety of disciplines. Such SMU credit may not transfer automatically to other universities. 信贷 for examinations awarded by other institutions will not transfer to SMU.


所有以英语为母语的学生都必须 参加语言分班考试. 这些考试的分数决定了考试的结果 world language competency of entering students so that they may be placed in classes appropriate to their level of achievement 和 degree program. 学生可能不会 报名参加一个低于他们安置水平的课程. When the student has successfully completed the course with a grade of C or above, 学生将追溯 earn up to 16 term hours of University credit for the preceding courses in the beginning 和 intermediate levels of the language sequence. 学生必须在 world language courses for a letter grade (not pass/fail) for the course to serve as a 授予追溯信用证的依据. 在其他院校修过的语言课程 不能作为给予追溯信用证的依据. 虽然学生可以挣到钱 一种以上语言的追溯信用, the maximum aggregate credit involving more than one language allowed to count toward graduation is 16 term hours.


物理系提供物理1303和 1304. 的 placement exam, which must be taken in the first term that the student enrolls at SMU, is based on the final exam in the 1303年的今天 和 1304 courses.

物理系不允许实验室的测试学分.g.物理1105; 1106, 4211). 实验室的基本要素是实践经验; 因此,将不接受替代品.


数学学分考试提供以下课程和 必须在首次注册前服用吗. 不允许使用计算器 除了数学1307. 对课程学分考试感兴趣的学生 超过这个级别的学生可以联系数学系.

数学1307 数学科学导论(3学分)
数学1309 商业/社会科学微积分导论(3 学分)
数学1337 微积分I(3学分)
数学1338 微积分II(3学分)


计算机科学与工程系提供一个 credit exam for CSE 1341 Principles of 计算机科学 I that must be taken prior 初次登记.


Students who are military veterans 和 completed recruit training in the service may receive 2 hours of credit to satisfy the Personal Responsibility 和 Wellness  component of the 大学课程.  课程学分包括:

PRW 1199  PRW I:退伍军人健康概念(1学时)
For military veterans who through their military service have met the requirements for PRW I.
PRW 2199 PRW II:退伍军人体能训练(1学时)
For military veterans who through their military service have met the requirements for PRW II.


国际证书 项目

SMU grants credit for the successful completion of the international certificate programs listed below. 在某些情况下,部门考试可能会被要求 这是评估过程的一部分.

  1. 国际 学士学位
    Six to eight credits will be awarded for scores of 5, 6 or 7 on International 学士学位 higher level 考试 in transferable subjects, with a maximum award 32个学分. 标准水平考试不授予学分.

    IB HL考试




    生物学 5, 6, 7 8小时 临床生物1301/1101,1302/1102
    化学 5, 6, 7 4个小时 化学1303/1113
    经济学 5, 6, 7 6个小时 Eco 1311 / prex 4002, Eco 1312
    地理位置  5, 6, 7 6个小时 哼10xx,哼10yy

        非洲 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 10xx年,10yy年
        美洲 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 10xx年,10yy年
        亚洲及大洋洲 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 10xx年,10yy年
        欧洲,伊斯兰世界 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 历史2365,2366
        欧洲、中东 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 10xx年,10yy年
        英语A文学 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 1311盘,1312盘
        所有其他语言 5, 6, 7
    8小时 1401, 1402
    B语言 5, 6, 7
    8小时 1401, 1402
    5, 6, 7
    6个小时 Lang 10xx, 10yy
    数学 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 数学1337,统计2331
        历史 5, 6, 7
    3个小时 MUHI 10 xx 
        理论 5, 6, 7
    3个小时 MUTH 10 xx
    物理 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 物理1303和1304
    心理学 5, 6, 7
    6个小时 心理1300,10xx
  2. 通用证书 A-Level(英国)
    成绩为六至八个学分 AB on A-level 考试 in transferable subjects, with a 最高可获得32个学分. 分数为的不获学分 C, 或0级和as级 考试. 艺术与设计荣誉奖, High-Level exam are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by SMU's 艺术 Department. 

  3. 的学士学位 (法国)
    Six to eight credits will be awarded for scores of 11 or above, with a maximum 获得32个学分.

  4. 的 Abitur(德国)
    Six to eight credits will be awarded for scores of 7 or above on each of the written 考试 in transferable subjects, with a 最高可获得32个学分. 信用额度将 口试不加分.

  5. 的 意大利Maturita(意大利)
    成熟技术、古典、科学和/或语言学,信用 will be awarded for scores of 6 or above in transferable subjects, with a 最高可获得32个学分.


  • 的 Language A exam is typically taken in the native language of the student
  • B语言 is a second, third or fourth language studied by the student.
  • For “all other languages” under Language A 和 for B语言, the course prefix 匹配世界语言会完成吗.
  • IB credit in the sciences may be used to satisfy the Science 和 Engineering breadth requirement of the 大学课程. 的 UC's Natural 和 Applied Science depth requirement must be satisfied through coursework at SMU or through transfer credit of a science course with lab from an accredited college or university. 
  • 物理实验室不授予IB学分.
  • Students enrolled in courses at SMU for which IB credit has previously been awarded will have the IB credit rescinded, 和 the grade in the course will count 学生的新大GPA. Students are responsible for knowing 和 reporting their IB scores to SMU to prevent duplicate enrollment.