Professor Jeff Cavitt Showcases the Importance of 3D Modeling & Animation Across Mediums

与Jeff Cavitt教授一起探索3D建模,动画和创意技术见解.A. in Creative Technology program.


创新技术令人着迷的一个方面不仅仅是创新的不断发展, 而是概念在不同创意媒介和平台上的应用方式. Jeff Cavitt is very familiar with the changing tides of creative technology, especially in the ways 3D modeling and animation have been used, 它们今天是如何应用的,未来可能走向什么方向.

“我知道人们思考的问题之一是艺术和技术将走向何方,” says Cavitt. “电影、娱乐产业和游戏之间的界限越来越模糊, for example, and how the visuals for games are rising closer to realism. 电视和电影行业一直在推动这条现实主义路线,现在它们已经融合在一起了.”

Cavitt是一名数字动画师和视觉效果艺术家,在游戏行业拥有近20年的经验. 他的一些工作亮点包括开发视频游戏系列中的汽车模型 Forza Motorsport, as well as contributing to Kinect Star Wars 作为x翼和TIE战斗机车辆的车辆艺术家在其E3博览会预告片中透露. Cavitt also is an SMU Professor leading the 3D Modeling & Animation course through SMU’s Master of Arts in Creative Technology program.


While Cavitt began his career working in software development, he later moved into the visual effects field. 当一个机会出现时,他最终被吸引回3D艺术和游戏领域,这一举动影响了他回到学校,提高他的知识和技能到最高标准. 他依靠这段生活经历来联系他目前的职位,并帮助他看到进入他课程的学生的观点.

“有些人上这门课是为了进一步学习创造性的技术知识,以便将来从事自己的职业,或者加深对技术的理解. I too had to go back to school and get the structure I needed. I wanted to know what the latest and greatest tools were as well. Moving into education, 你必须紧跟科技、最新趋势和正在发生的事情.”


“The television series The Mandalorian is using Unreal Engine, a popular game production tool, 投射角色背后的背景,有绿色的屏幕,这是与舞台灯光互动,” he says.

Cavitt还提到了他所观察到的行业内的公司和工作室如何以不同的方式优先考虑这些软件平台. 工作室的这种排他性影响了为他们工作所需的技能和知识.

“我注意到一种转变,过去你必须了解工作室使用的软件包. You may learn Unity or Unreal Engine, but if you go to a studio like Naughty Dog, their game engine is built on top of Maya. 这就像蝙蝠侠的多功能腰带——你有很多不同的工具. 我们教授各种不同的工具和软件,有些工具用于特定的事情.”

At the end of the day for Cavitt, 拥抱创新技术空间的目的——在他的案例中是3D艺术和建模方面的东西——是为了制造出能够以各种方式改善人们生活的伟大产品. 在游戏领域中,总是存在关于如何定义“好”游戏的主观争论.

“我个人认为,一款优秀的游戏能够让你逃避现实. 有些人将游戏视为一种上瘾,或者有时候会对游戏产生负面看法. I think games have helped a lot of people. People who just had a bad day, 在比赛中休息一下,然后再回来处理你需要处理的事情,这很好.” 


Cavitt热衷于帮助创意技术研究生课程的学生,并希望提供超出实际课程的建议,并对他们在创意技术领域的未来职业生涯产生积极影响. 卡维特强调,虽然世界本身有很多人, the programmer and digital artist spaces are small, 而且人们彼此了解——这在找角色的时候是一个好处.

“I teach the importance of networking,” he says. “Getting a job is a job in and of itself. You can have the greatest portfolio in the world, but if you can't talk to somebody, 如果你不能沟通,保持你的网络联系,保持在可用的前沿, you might miss out on big opportunities.”

Cavitt aims for his 3D Modeling & 动画课程以更精细的方式探索大领域的专业和知识.

“This is an introductory class, so we touch on modeling, texturing, animation, and rendering lighting, so we're covering a lot of topics. 我想如果你要去读本科甚至研究生课程, 你会发现几乎整个学期都在研究这些类别, like you would have an entire semester or two on just animation. 这[课程]涵盖了很多,并提供了多个艺术管道的大样本. 如果你进入这个行业,有时人们只专注于那些(个别)领域.”


“There's a learning curve for using Apporto, 3DS Max, etc., as is to be expected. 但我要说的是,视频中循序渐进的方法让事情变得不那么令人生畏, and I appreciate it,” says Blake Knight, a student enrolled in Cavitt’s course. “I'm really enjoying what we're learning, 我完全可以看到了解这些程序和工具会给我的简历增加很多价值.”

The SMU Meadows School of the Arts M.A. 在创意技术研究生课程的目的是帮助准备创意和技术为导向的个人结合跨互动媒体的技能集, design, programming, blockchain and generative AI applications. To learn more about SMU’s M.A. in Creative Technology program, visit our program page.